Gav-Yam: Hebrew Campus Jerusalem
EEDN appointed as science advisor to a new university campus.
The project
The Gav-Yam Hebrew Park campus is being built in collaboration with the Jerusalem Municipality and the Jerusalem Development Authority.
The park is adjacent to the University Sciences campus and will operate as a commercial extension to the University.
It will consist of four buildings, covering a total of 270,000m², of which 60% is designated for Science tenancies, 10% retail and 30% commercial.
The project also functions as a transport link with new tram lines connecting the park to other city transport hubs and the centre.
The project will be executed in two stages:
Stage I will consist of three buildings covering 130,000m²
Stage II will include construction of a tower covering 140,000m²
The park is expected to employ over 10,000 workers, bringing together University students, graduates and researchers in a collaborative environment.
Our role
The external Science team, led by EEDN's Elad Levin, included Hoare Lea (MEP), Oberlanders Architects and supported locally by RAGID for local compliance issues.
Initial planning permission was for commercial development. The team had to update the design to enable a broad range of scientific use, while minimising the town planning and general programme impacts.
Project Gallery