123 Shirland Road

18 Jul 2024

Maida Vale, London, United Kingdom

123 shirland road design and access statement final 6646858
123 Shirland Road is a building located in the heart of Maida Vale, constructed in the late 1950’s following the extensive damage suffered during the second world war to the original building. The site has been operating as a laundrette since the 1969 and as a dry-cleaning business for over a decade. However, the existing property presents and unattractive single storey building which harms the character and appearance of the Maida Vale Conservation Area.

The scheme will replace the existing building with a five-storey building, maintaining the historic dry cleaning business and offering 8 new residential units providing much needed housing in Westminster. In addition, the scheme will provide enhanced street frontage and repair ethe urban townscape at this prominent corner

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